
January 9th 2023

 Today was a day like any other. I woke up, went to work, rocked it out and came home where I hung out with my wife, gamed and watched a show.  Today's show was starting the show "Outlander." It is actually starting off pretty interesting, I cannot wait to see the direction that it takes. We got about three episodes into the show tonight and I definitely see the Ronald D. Moore elements. He was a great writer on Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica so I definitely went into this show with high expectations.  I also knocked out my dailies in Fortnite as well as got in the activities to collect my Microsoft rewards points for the day. For today's rewards, I did my usual searches on Bing on my PC and my phone, completed by daily sets and also played GamePass games on my PC. Today's games were "As Dusk Falls,"  "Microsoft Solitaire Collection," and "Bugsnax" (which I played via Xbox cloud gaming on my phone). "Bugsnax" is a great